Category: Cloning Plasmid

Enhanced access to healthcare utilization data through medical record review: Lessons learned from a community-based, multi-site project

Enhanced access to healthcare utilization data through medical record review: Lessons learned from a community-based, multi-site projectEnhanced access to healthcare utilization data through medical record review: Lessons learned from a community-based, multi-site project

Gathering correct healthcare utilization (HCU) knowledge on community-based interventions is important to establishing their scientific effectiveness and cost-related affect. Methods used to reinforce receiving medical information for HCU knowledge extraction

Regional variation in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantity and quality of data collected by the project eBird

Regional variation in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantity and quality of data collected by the project eBirdRegional variation in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantity and quality of data collected by the project eBird

The COVID-19 pandemic has possible affected pure programs all over the world; the curtailment of human exercise has additionally affected the gathering of knowledge wanted to establish the oblique results